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LOCH LOMOND / Una canzone per il tuo viaggio

Una delle canzoni piu' amate del paese, la sua melodia riflette certe atmosfere delle brughiere scozzesi. Lascia lo sguardo correre negli spazi infiniti delle highlands.

Originariamente il brano e' nato come un lamento per un amante ucciso ai tempi delle rivolte giacobite. Il ragazzo prendera’ la strada bassa - low road, la strada spirituale – per tornare in Scozia. Mentre Moira – il suo amore – rimane sulla strada alta – “high road”,ovvero sul piano terreno dell’esistenza.Secondo una credenza celtica quando uno scozzese muore in terra straniera ritorna a casa attraversando la “low road”.

Esistono varie versioni ma l' intrepretazione intensa del duo "Corries" rimane la mia preferita.


O wither away (which direction) my bonnie May Sae late an' sae far (so far) in the gloamin' (Gloaming = dusk/twilight) The mist gathers grey o'er moorland and brae (hill) O wither sae far are ye roamin'?

O ye'll tak the high road an' I'll tak the low,

I'll be in Scotland afore ye

For me and my true love will never meet again

By the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond

I trusted my ain (own) love last night in the broom (bush) My Donald wha' loves me sae dearly For the morrow he will march for Edinburgh toon (town) Tae fecht (to fight) for his King and Prince Charlie

O well may I weep for yestreen (yesterday), in my sleep we stood bride and bridegroom together. But his arms and his breath were as cold as the death And his heart's blood ran red in the heather

O ye'll tak the high road an' I'll tak the low,

I'll be in Scotland afore ye

For me and my true love will never meet again

By the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond

As dauntless in battle as tender in love He'd yield ne'er a foor toe the foeman (enemy) But never again frae the field o' the slain (from) Tae his Moira will he come by Loch Lomond

The thistle may bloom, the King hae his ain (have his own) And fond lovers may meet in the gloamin' And me and my true love will yet meet again Far above the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond

O ye'll tak the high road an' I'll tak the low,

I'll be in Scotland afore ye

For me and my true love will never meet again

By the bonnie bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond

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